• £3.99 Per Entry
  • 700 Total Entries
  • 70 Max Per Person
Cash Alternative £1600


LEGO Star Wars Big Sets Bundle Competition

Winner Takes All The Sets – Almost £2000 worth of LEGO

Cash Alternative of £1600 – Part Sets + cash an option

Competition ends: 7 July 2024 19:00
Timezone: Europe/London

This competition has a minimum of 1 tickets

This competition is limited to 700 tickets

Tickets sold: 466

This competition will have 1 winner

Tickets sold: 466/700
67% Sold
Time left:

Answer the question:

Which of the below is a Famous Band?

  • The Rolling Potatoes
  • The Rolling Bagels
  • The Rolling Stones


Competition History

Date User Ticket number Answer
3 July 2024 21:51jambo73520The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 21:46Ben Winthrop69The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 21:36Louise Coumbe362The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 20:51Alan Gwillym533The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 20:35Gail Plumb587The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 20:35Gail Plumb191The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 20:35Gail Plumb317The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 20:35Gail Plumb406The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 20:35Gail Plumb594The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 19:58Timothy Cann256The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 19:58Timothy Cann589The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 19:58Timothy Cann155The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 19:49Kayleigh Stephenson59The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 19:18Kate Poscha529The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 18:40Lee Coombes71The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 18:14Stacey Flemming489The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 18:14Stacey Flemming475The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 18:14Stacey Flemming297The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 18:14Stacey Flemming269The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 17:37Lewis Dighton35The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 17:37Lewis Dighton125The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 17:37Lewis Dighton401The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 17:37Lewis Dighton693The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 17:37Lewis Dighton429The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 17:08ep611492The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 17:07Robert Collier426The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 17:07Robert Collier285The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 16:53Spacejunk491The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 16:53Spacejunk178The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 16:36Jack Dashwood613The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 16:19Peter Hanson158The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 16:19Peter Hanson352The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 16:19Peter Hanson396The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 16:19Peter Hanson497The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 16:19Peter Hanson660The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 15:58Lee Fitzgerald233The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 15:58Lee Fitzgerald410The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 15:58Lee Fitzgerald665The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 15:58Lee Fitzgerald669The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 15:58Lee Fitzgerald699The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 14:44Andrew Clarke387The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 14:24Austin Barrington501The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 14:24bunnyhunter64The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 14:24bunnyhunter213The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 14:24bunnyhunter373The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 14:24bunnyhunter691The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 14:07Harry Wall260The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 13:54Luke Knight118The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 12:52Dan Thompson221The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 12:45Harry Woolfenden248The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 12:44tulci92360The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 12:44tulci92207The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 12:43Roger Taylor119The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 12:43Roger Taylor358The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 12:43Roger Taylor654The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 12:19Oliver Curson320The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 12:17Alex Cooper18The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 12:17Alex Cooper287The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 12:17Alex Cooper323The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 12:17Alex Cooper510The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 12:17Alex Cooper546The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 12:10Peakeachu315The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 12:10Peakeachu230The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 12:07Lauren King567The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 11:55Dan Peters590The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 11:34Steven Sickelmore651The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 11:24Stephen Fewster102The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 11:24Terence Smyth113The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 11:24Terence Smyth206The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 11:24Terence Smyth215The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 11:24Terence Smyth349The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 11:24Terence Smyth407The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 11:03Sophie Cope628The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 11:03Sophie Cope311The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 11:03Sophie Cope175The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 10:18Darren Barnfield447The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 10:14Bricksaurus565The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 10:06Mark Chamberlain672The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 10:06Mark Chamberlain135The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 10:06Mark Chamberlain23The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 10:06Mark Lindley20The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 10:06Mark Lindley27The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 10:06Mark Lindley196The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 10:06Mark Lindley257The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 10:06Mark Lindley277The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 10:06Mark Lindley383The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 10:06Mark Lindley389The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 10:06Mark Lindley441The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 10:06Mark Lindley463The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 10:06Mark Lindley698The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 09:38Tom Hirst325The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 09:38Tom Hirst630The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 08:28Molly Shearsby527The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 05:47Robert Cox176The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 05:47Robert Cox434The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 05:47Robert Cox642The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 05:47Robert Cox696The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 00:18Jonathan Carberry658The Rolling Stones
3 July 2024 00:18Jonathan Carberry394The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 23:50Omega51341The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 23:24Simon O667The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 22:59Tonytiger1980335The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 22:30Barney Lawrence550The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 21:49Jamie Beech586The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 21:49Jamie Beech559The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 21:49Jamie Beech464The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 21:49Jamie Beech144The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 20:36Shirley Clark460The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 20:36Shirley Clark284The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 20:21Danny Ridge403The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 20:21Danny Ridge181The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 20:11Dean Thomas34The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 20:11Dean Thomas189The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 20:11Dean Thomas653The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 20:04Rob Hughes595The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 20:04Rob Hughes374The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:48Jennifer Horrocks140The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:42Kirsty Rodwell649The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:15Aydan Topping420The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:15Aydan Topping425The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:15Aydan Topping481The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:15Aydan Topping490The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:15Aydan Topping598The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:12Scotty61The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:12Scotty2The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:08samfer224The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:08Elaine Lewis247The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:06jdh8077The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:06jdh8099The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:06jdh80142The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:06jdh80199The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:06jdh80372The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:06jdh80437The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:06jdh80457The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:06jdh80502The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:06jdh80511The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:06jdh80522The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:06jdh80524The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 19:06Oliver Leake610The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 18:57connor stephens283The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 18:57connor stephens483The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 18:43Zach Shephard451The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 18:38Bert Gregory641The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 18:38Bert Gregory439The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 18:38Bert Gregory193The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 18:17nick mayer573The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 18:17nick mayer278The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 18:09Barry Heron12The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 18:09Barry Heron169The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 18:09Barry Heron302The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 18:09Barry Heron657The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 18:09Barry Heron700The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 17:56Maxine689The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 17:34Jack Y661The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 17:34Jack Y357The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 17:18esther rimington423The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 17:18esther rimington139The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 17:08Ben Treend5The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 17:08Colin James132The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 16:56philipgriffin647The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 16:50Lewis Marsh333The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 16:09Hugh Hewitt417The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 16:09Hugh Hewitt328The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 15:38StarlightAli601The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 15:13Jack Archer92The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 14:55Mike Baldwin477The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 14:53Harley Jacob141The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 14:53Sharon Shaw298The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 14:53Sharon Shaw288The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 14:42ColinG16292The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 14:42ColinG16580The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 14:35Mansoor Mir201The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 14:08zoe sones445The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 14:08zoe sones83The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 13:56DjBiggsy619The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 13:49Adam Hendy270The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 13:49Adam Hendy78The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 13:48James Envine666The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 13:46Richard Hackett218The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 13:24albertcurwood24482The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 13:22JeannaMarie Jones645The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 13:19Tom berry184The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 12:52Elizabeth Anderson680The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 12:52Elizabeth Anderson97The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 11:56Ryan Mitch137The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 11:56Ryan Mitch45The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 11:37John Currie81The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 11:37John Currie301The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 11:37John Currie571The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 11:37John Currie584The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 11:37John Currie68The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 11:22Carly Boddington250The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 11:06Sophie Cope531The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 11:06Sophie Cope472The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 11:06Sophie Cope327The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 11:06Sophie Cope173The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:31Leyton Charles32The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:31Leyton Charles63The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:31Leyton Charles109The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:31Leyton Charles174The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:31Leyton Charles226The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:31Leyton Charles240The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:31Leyton Charles443The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:31Leyton Charles509The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:31Leyton Charles629The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:31Leyton Charles663The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:24IanCarr1971469The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:24IanCarr1971435The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:05jay199195The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:05jay1991375The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:05jay1991380The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:05jay1991433The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:05jay1991569The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:02Barry Heron545The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:02Barry Heron211The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 10:02Barry Heron75The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 08:18Andrew Sutherst440The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 08:18Andrew Sutherst632The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 08:10David Richardson551The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 08:10David Richardson398The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 08:10David Richardson114The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 07:05cenorburn286The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 07:05cenorburn130The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 06:50edward blackwood332The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 06:28Memnoch1976300The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 06:28Memnoch1976408The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 02:16Cheeky0684386The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 02:16Cheeky0684339The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 02:16Cheeky0684126The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 02:16Lucy Goudge-Wood621The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 02:16Lucy Goudge-Wood577The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 02:16Lucy Goudge-Wood397The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 02:16Lucy Goudge-Wood251The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 02:16Lucy Goudge-Wood131The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 02:12Steven Sickelmore209The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 00:23Adam Shearsby684The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 00:23Adam Shearsby253The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 00:23Adam Shearsby145The Rolling Stones
2 July 2024 00:23Adam Shearsby128The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 23:48Jake Boden543The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 23:48Jake Boden136The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 23:42Gareth Evans6The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 23:42Gareth Evans296The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 23:35Rachael Feilder549The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 23:35Rachael Feilder452The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 23:15BRADMO8889The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 23:15BRADMO88244The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 23:15BRADMO88363The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 23:03Barry Heron575The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 23:03Barry Heron70The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 23:03Barry Heron21The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 22:59Thomas Corbett38The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 22:59Thomas Corbett93The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 22:59Thomas Corbett117The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 22:49mikelosaurus252The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 22:49mikelosaurus180The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 22:49mikelosaurus25The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 22:48Anthony Lloyd568The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 22:48Anthony Lloyd563The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 22:48Anthony Lloyd369The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 22:21Nick Jackson668The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 22:21Nick Jackson552The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 22:20Lewis Phillips355The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:48Shaun Burns633The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:48Shaun Burns74The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:43Mark Winstanley679The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:43Mark Winstanley268The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:43Mark Winstanley194The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:34Lewis Gibbins697The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:34Lewis Gibbins473The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:34Lewis Gibbins91The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:34Joshua Cushing631The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:32Potter364The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:32Potter263The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:32Potter200The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:30tulci92265The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:23Sophie Greeff112The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:23Sophie Greeff512The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:20Dafydd Williams366The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:20Dafydd Williams319The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:20Dafydd Williams166The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:09Annette Burley232The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:09Annette Burley293The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:02LS23564The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:02LS23342The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:02LS23246The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:02LS23214The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 21:02LS2360The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:55Catherine Lindsay488The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:54Dan Thompson129The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:54Dan Thompson384The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:51Beastie Badger662The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:51Beastie Badger379The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:50Colin Musgrove22The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:50Colin Musgrove235The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:50Colin Musgrove243The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:50Colin Musgrove466The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:50Colin Musgrove685The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:43Stephanie Smith534The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:37Adam Musgrove170The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:37Adam Musgrove262The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:26Sparkydad636The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:26Sparkydad597The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:25Paul McCorriston39The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:25Paul McCorriston49The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:25Paul McCorriston324The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:25Paul McCorriston431The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:25Paul McCorriston603The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:20Fiona Gormley33The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:20Fiona Gormley96The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:20Fiona Gormley310The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:20Fiona Gormley365The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:20Fiona Gormley581The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:16Jamie Borg24The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:14Justin Cutbush514The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:14Justin Cutbush236The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:06Stuart Fletcher338The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:06Stuart Fletcher321The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:06Stuart Fletcher254The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:06Stuart Fletcher115The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:06Stuart Fletcher85The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:06Stuart Fletcher15The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:06Stuart Fletcher454The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:06Stuart Fletcher498The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:06Stuart Fletcher576The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:06Stuart Fletcher676The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:06Stuart Fletcher664The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:06Stuart Fletcher638The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:06Stuart Fletcher611The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:06Stuart Fletcher604The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 20:06Stuart Fletcher600The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:56Martin O’Brien505The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:56Martin O’Brien442The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:56Martin O’Brien330The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:56Robin Hales313The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:56bella333521The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:47Richard Hannaford692The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:47Richard Hannaford506The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:47Richard Hannaford450The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:47Richard Hannaford402The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:47Richard Hannaford160The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:47Steven Cope392The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:47Steven Cope424The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:47Steven Cope444The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:43Jon Smith605The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:43Jake Buxton16The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:43Jake Buxton167The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:43Jake Buxton177The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:43Jake Buxton294The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:43Jake Buxton367The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:42Mark Finer147The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:40lewthomas92572The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:40lewthomas92500The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:40lewthomas92219The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:39Mandy Scott438The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:39Ross Deasley470The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:35Christopher Miller168The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:35Christopher Miller225The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:34Justin k watts695The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:34Justin k watts602The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:31Mark Plummer690The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:31Mark Plummer623The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:31Mark Plummer476The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:27frisbee79400The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:27frisbee79326The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:27ryanmayell566The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:26Kieran Curtis279The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:26Kieran Curtis7The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:26Ricky Sales688The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:26Ricky Sales537The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:26Ricky Sales361The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:26Ricky Sales212The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:26Ricky Sales183The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:26aedwards0994172The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:26aedwards0994202The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:26aedwards0994217The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:25Sam Matthews290The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:25Ryan Mitch314The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:24Mark Robinson44The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:24Mark Robinson123The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:24Mark Robinson161The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:24Mark Robinson255The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:24Mark Robinson272The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:24Mark Robinson281The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:24Mark Robinson455The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:24Mark Robinson480The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:24Mark Robinson640The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:24Mark Robinson677The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:23Andrew Telford525The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:23Lucy Clark448The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:22mcgahan624The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:22mcgahan556The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:22mcgahan208The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:20Tracy Griffin134The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:20Tracy Griffin515The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:20stelea56The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:20stelea101The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:20stelea249The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:20stelea453The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:20stelea536The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:20stelea585The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:20stelea637The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:19Freddie Allabush127The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:19Darren Dickin146The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:19Darren Dickin485The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:19Darren Dickin535The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:19Darren Dickin542The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:18AndyGears237The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:18Rachael Simons596The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:18Rachael Simons356The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:18Rachael Simons351The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:15jambo73456The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:15Wayne Henaghen186The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:15Wayne Henaghen306The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:15Wayne Henaghen648The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:14Holty35967The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:14Holty359157The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:14Holty359185The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:14Holty359192The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:14Holty359299The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:11Jamie McCabe143The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:11Jamie McCabe98The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:10AshFoz474The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:10Rachael Hooks4The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:10Rachael Hooks120The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:10Helen Jones526The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:10Helen Jones66The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:10Helen Jones36The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:08Brell626The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:07Lee Fitzgerald245The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:07Lee Fitzgerald264The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:07Lee Fitzgerald354The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:07Lee Fitzgerald499The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:07Lee Fitzgerald656The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:06James alexander675The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:06James alexander558The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04IanCarr1971634The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04Paul Stern606The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04IanCarr197147The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04IanCarr1971116The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04IanCarr1971156The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04IanCarr1971458The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04Peter Claxton694The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04Peter Claxton370The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04Peter Claxton138The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04Caolan Dunbar1The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04Caolan Dunbar110The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04Caolan Dunbar345The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04Scott Knight195The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04Scott Knight182The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04Peter Quainton608The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04Peter Quainton570The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:04Jon Hookings188The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:03Kirsty Rodwell150The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:03Kirsty Rodwell337The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:03Lee Fitzgerald231The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:03Lee Fitzgerald11The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:03Lee Fitzgerald227The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:03Ian Maclure307The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:03Ian Maclure275The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:02Steven Davison544The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:02Steven Davison62The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:02Steven Davison686The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:01Amy Welford508The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:01Eerik Beeton523The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:01Eerik Beeton609The Rolling Stones
1 July 2024 19:00Lottery started
Click Here For Free Postal Entry
Absolutely No Extensions
The Draw will be held sooner in the event of a sell out

Prize Information

Lego Competition – Lego Star Wars Big Set Bundle

  • Max Ticket Number: 700
  • Max Tickets Per Used: 40
  • Ticket Price: £3.99

Whether we sell out or not, this competition is guaranteed to be drawn.

The winner will get all of these sets sent to them;

UCS Millennium Falcon


UCS Razor Crest

Competition Details

This Competition is open to UK Residents, aged over 18 years old Only.

Please ensure you have read and agree to our Terms and Conditions before entering by post and online. If entries do not comply with our Terms and Conditions they will not be included in the draw.

Our interactive Live Draw will take place on our Facebook Page on the date indicated above. You will be allocated ticket number(s) at random. Confirmation of your ticket numbers can be found in your account section (requires login) along with an email confirmation.

We will use Google Random Number Generator, or Random Number Wheel to select a winner from correctly answered entries.


How many times can I enter this competition?

You can enter this competition up to 70 times per person.

When does this competition close?

This competition will wrap up on the publicised closing date or as soon as all the tickets are snapped up – whichever happens first. We never prolong our competitions past the advertised timeline – that’s our pledge!

What are instant wins and how do they work?

Some of our competitions feature brilliant instant win prizes! If you’re fortunate enough to score an instant win ticket number, you’ll be notified straight away on the order confirmation page and via email. We’ll also add your name to the instant win prize list immediately. Please get in touch via social media, email or phone to claim your prize. If you don’t realise you’ve won right off the bat, don’t worry – we’ll follow up to make sure you get your prize.

How can I access my ticket numbers?

All ticket numbers are randomly generated and assigned when your order is placed. Please check your order confirmation (be sure to check spam folders too) or the “My Tickets” section of your account.

My ticket number is higher than the total sold – am I still included?

Absolutely! We always enter the full range of ticket numbers into the generator, even if some weren’t sold. If an unused number comes up, we simply re-roll. Rest assured you’re still in the running.

How is the winner selected?

Once the competition concludes, we live stream the draw on Facebook for complete transparency. We use a random number wheel to select a winner fairly from the total number of tickets sold. For example, if 250 tickets were sold, it randomly picks a number from 1-250. The number it lands on could be yours! It’s a 100% random selection that we have no control over.

How and when will the winner be notified?

We announce the winner live during the Facebook streams. The winner will also be notified via email, social media or phone straight after the live draw finishes. Please see our Terms & Conditions for more details on prize winner procedures.

How will the winner receive their prize?

We’ll contact the winner directly to arrange delivery. We always use trusted couriers with tracking services to ensure safe, efficient delivery of prizes.

Will the winner’s information be made public?

Yes, but we only share first and last name when announcing and confirming the winner during live draws and on our website, social media, and email communications. No other personal details are released publicly.

What is the live draw schedule?

Sunday competitions close at 7pm with an 8pm live draw
Wednesday competitions close at 7pm with an 8pm live draw
Competitions ending early on weekends or weekdays get added to the next live draw
Competitions ending on non-draw days wrap up at midnight and get added to the following draw